Etiqueta: hosting

Hosting: what is it and what is it for

When we browse a web page, what we see is the content, the promotions, the information that interests us. However, for this to be accessible, a website is hosted on a hosting. A hosting is a  storage service for websites. Just as we save files on a pendrive, in the same way a hosting stores the content that we upload to a web page. The advantages of having a website is its visibility 24/7:  all the time, from any geographical location and through any device: cell phone, computer, tablet. Of course, for this to be possible, we need to have an internet connection. Also, to  make this possible, we need a server. The server is a computer that has great capacity and power, which is connected to the internet and which facilitates the availability of content at any time. The server is a hardware, and from there different types of hosting are offered. There are different types of hosting:
  • Shared It is the most used, especially when it comes to small clients or smaller companies. In this case, the hosting is hosted on the same server that is shared by several clients (this implies, for example, that the COU and RAM are shared). This hosting is shared, but it doesnt mean that security is not good. It remains private.
  • VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server) This type of hosting consists of the client having an exclusive server, but not a physical server, that is, not at the hardware level, but as a virtual machine. In this case, available resources are strengthened, such as processor speed, memory, among other aspects.
  • Cloud hosting It is one of the most recent options in hosting services, which consists of using different servers to support the hosting. In this way, it avoids overloading and the risk of falling from different sites is prevented. In other words, the web page works by accessing the resources of a centralized “cluster or group”.

¿Cuáles son las ventajas de tener una página web?

Con el impacto que tiene la tecnología en nuestras vidas, y mucho más aún después de la pandemia de Covid, si tu negocio no existe en internet, sencillamente no existe. Está demostrado que las personas antes de realizar una compra o dirigirse a una tienda, realizan un trabajo previo, de exploración, en donde ven qué ofrece el negocio y también hacen un “escaneo” de su web y sus redes. Llegados a este punto, casi que no hace falta ni discutir que es necesario que tu negocio cuente con su propia web. Sin embargo, desde Aureofy, si creemos conveniente mostrarte los beneficios de tenerla.  

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